Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Tribute Mixtape

25th Anniversary Celebration
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Martin Luther King Jr., is the only American for which there is a Federal holiday in his name who wore a Rolex, and this years celebration of the Martin Luther Kind day is a special since it is the 25th year the United States has celebrated this holiday. Dr. King wore a yellow gold Rolex Datejust on a Jubilee bracelet as seen in the photos below.
"The time is always right to do what is right." –Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Peaceful Warrior
Peace March On Selma, Alabama
February 1, 1965

It crosses my mind that Dr. King is the greatest hero in the Rolex history world because he was real and he paid with his life so the world could become a much better place. Dr. King stood up for people who could not stand up for themselves and that is probably the truest definition of a real hero.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice eveywhere." –Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. [Letter from Birmingham, Alabama Jail, April 16, 1963]
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., is a man of tremendous achievement and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 as well as the Presidential Medal of Honor and the Congressional Gold Medal.

Martin Luther King Jr., is pictured above and below wearing his trademark yellow gold Rolex Datejust
"We must learn to live together as brothers, or perish together as fools." –Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I made a bold declarative statement when I said Martin Luther King Jr., is the greatest heros in Rolex history. Why makes this so? Martin Luther King Jr's life was threatened by many people including the F.B.I. One day a bomb went-off in front of his home which blew-up and completely destroyed his front porch. He continued to get death threats and was told that if he did not stop, he would be killed.
After his porch was rebuilt, he kept going, and he kept standing-up for people who could not stand up for themselves. Every day he continued to walk up the stairs of his home with his four small children, past the porch that had been rebuilt, full-well knowing that at any moment, he or any member of his family could be killed. Martin Luther King Jr., refused to be driven by fear!!!
There are many men and women who wore a Rolex watch on their wrist in history which somehow propelled them toward achieving amazing feats, but none as heroic, substantial and meaningful as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I can't help but wonder if Martin Luther King Jr., was inspired by his beautiful yellow-gold Datejust the same way President Eisenhower was with his?
I wonder if Martin Luther King used to sit and stare in admiration at how beautiful his Rolex was? I can't help but wonder if he used to lay in bed at night in the dark and watch the lumed dial and hands glow in the same awe that many, many Rolex wearers do?
I can't help but wonder if wearing his Rolex didn't cause Dr. King to feel invulnerable like Chuck Yeager when he broke the sound barrier with his Rolex on his wrist, or Tensing Norgay when he finally conquered Mount Everest, or Jacques Piccard when he and U.S. Navy Captain Don Walsh finally landed on the deepest known part of the ocean floor in the Bathescaph Trieste, 7 Miles down, in the Marianas Trench in 1960?
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in moments of challenge and controversy." –Dr. Martin Luther King [Strength To Love, 1963]

Understanding King
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